hi! :)
this is a carrd to (hopefully) help you learn something about iKON, or to find iKON content more easily.

how does the carrd works?
i divided it in two sections; an introduction to iKON, where you can find the member's profiles and their official accounts + a content masterlist. click the search bar/spotify button to return to the main menu.

ikon-official already has an extensive list of content, so i linked it to their account. the 2020-2021 stuff i listed myself.

where to find me?
at @IKONPHOBE on twitter, as well as @ikonist on tumblr. my inbox/dms are open! :)

masterlist content


masterlist from predebut - early 2019


my own masterlist


i decide era content

yg releases

official stuff from their YT channel


variety shows, online concerts, etc

official mv / making film / dance practice / live clip / mv reaction
"trip" cover / rest your bones / 깊은 밤/deep night

ep 01 / ep 02 / ep 03 / ep 04 / ep 05 / ep 06

jay dance perf. / jay x DK dance perf.

ah yeah dance practice





how to stream


login into your account and search the mvs manuallyset the settings for 480p (or more), volume above 50%, normal speed, and full screen if you canyou can skip the adsonce you're done, watch 2-3 videos in between then start over

don't watch on incognito modedon't loop the videos or leave it on autoplaydon't refresh/reload the page or open multiple tabsdon't overwork yourself! make sure to take a rest :)

아이콘 파이팅!


파이팅! 할수있어요! 걱정하지말아요. 우린 아이콘을 믿어요.
Fighting! You can do it! Don’t worry, we believe in you!

힘내세요! 매일 수고 하고 있어요
Cheer up, you’re working hard everyday.

아이콘을 위해서라면, 천년 기다릴 수있어요.
I’d wait a 1000 years for you

너는 할수있다! 걱정하지말고, 우리는 당신을 믿어!
You can do it, don’t worry we believe in you

열심히 일하고있어요
You’re working hard

피곤하면 빨리 가서 폭 쉬고! 안 쉬면 우리 너무 걱정할게
If you’re tired go and rest! if you don’t rest we’ll worry a lot

맛있는게 많이 많이 먹어~~
Eat delicious things

그 달달한 목소리를 사랑해요.
I like your sweet voice a lot

!!! please remember that i don't speak korean and these were translated by other people so they might not be 100% grammatically correct! it's from this thread, so if there's any mistranslation please send me a message and i'll try to fix it.

nothing here yet! :)